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Mindset, Swim, Training Centre, Triathlon

Overcoming Swimming Anxiety

If you experience anxiety when swimming you are not alone, it’s not uncommon for competitive swimmers and triathletes alike to experience swimming related anxiety. Fortunately, there are some strategies to help reduce and eliminate it. Here are some tips to reduce swimming anxiety. Read more

Clock Posted Jan 25, 2019

Mindset, Training Centre, Wellness

'Free Dog' Time

'Free Dog' time doesn't mean sitting on the couch all day eating ice-cream and watching Netflix (though it jolly well can!). It just means taking a day each week or fortnight to listen to your body and do what you WANT to do. Unstructured.  Spontaneous. Read more

Clock Posted Jan 25, 2019

Mindset, Training Centre, Wellness

Stress and Rest Lead to Success

The goal of any training program is to improve or maximise performance in some way over a period of time. Each time we train (e.g. swim, bike or run) we are introducing a physiological stress to our body. The most obvious display of this is the tissue damage caused by a hard training session that leads to sore muscles a day or two later. Whether this is healthy stress or unhealthy stress generally depends on how we manage the recovery before and afterwards.   Read more

Clock Posted Jan 25, 2019

Mindset, News, Stories

Who has more influence than the influencer?

Phil Stoneman talks the role influencers play in the media and sponsorship mix in comparison to athlete endorsement. Read more

Clock Posted Jan 23, 2019

Bike, Bike, Cycle, Domestic Racing, Mindset, News, Races & Places, Sport 3 Events and Tours, Sports Travel, Stories, Training Centre

Puka Up: More than just a ride

In 2016, 2866 people tragically lost their lives to suicide. The Puka Up Ride took 28 riders and ten support staff from Sydney to Melbourne. A 1433km journey – 2km for every life lost of the 2866. Read more

Clock Posted Jan 23, 2019

Mindset, Training Centre, Triathlon, Wellness

The Cliché Training Effect

“Less is More” is one of triathlons many cliché training philosophies can be literally be interpreted as “the smaller amount of training, results in greater quantity” Although, do we as athletes take time to truly understand the application of this phrase or have coaches and athletes worldwide created it as a trending hashtag rather than a well applied process? Read more

Clock Posted Jan 23, 2019

Accessories, Apparel, Mindset, News, Run, Run, Run / Trail Run, Running, Running Shoes, Shoes

7 running tips for new triathletes

7 Top running tips from triathlon coach Matt Dymond, designed to assist new triathletes. Read more

Clock Posted Jan 22, 2019